Saturday, February 13, 2010

Radio Fence Pet Containment System Rf-1002 Boundary Fencing 'smart Dog' Static Pulse Dog Collars?

Boundary fencing 'smart dog' static pulse dog collars? - radio fence pet containment system rf-1002

We can find an enclosure for domestic animals, which works for the radio signal and the pulse static prevents dogs from leaving the property. We have fenced the yard, and our dog must be included. If you have used or are used, what are your thoughts?


T. M said...

Personally, I have not used, but I know people who have. Dogs are smarter than many people think that the people and think most of them

My friends dog just snapped rolled the invisible barrier and go the distance - other friends dogs cower and fear simply has no idea what had happened, and nervous because of the waste and each one occasion I saw a necklace, Freak Out.

But they also have to ask me is their dog 'attack contained "nothing more than animals - wild dogs (domestic and wild dogs and kill other animals, sometimes) and people act only human can not come and harm your pet?

Weigh the pros and cons before you ask something, buy thoughtfully yahoo!

~~052702... said...

Depends on the breed of dog. Because I have an Australian Shepard mix, Retri Chow mix gold and agricultural land and also learned that if you can run fast enough and jump out of the reach of the signal with a small shock, she had to set up and closure in real time, you can try to keep, but if your dog is smart enough to know to what happened to escape.

everything dogz said...

I think it is cruel to the dog, but I suppose if your concern for the dog and go get, then I think it seems to infringe paying off. Why not just close a portion of their court, especially for dogs. It could be dog-proof place every son of static systems.

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This page can much information.

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